Here is my Vectrex console from '80. This console is a vector based videogames and comes with a monochrome monitor. Every games comes with a his own overlay card for simulate colors. So this plastic card have to be put on display and the videogames will be with colors.
I own also his original bag for transport the vectex safe. I own also some nice videogames, all complete with plastic overlay and box.
-Fortress of Narzod
-Armor attack
-Clean sweep
-Stark Trek
The console comes also with a built game calles MineStorm.
The cosmetic conditions of my Vectrex is very near to mint. It is clean and has not major scraths.
Milton Bradley Vectrex videogames console
Category → Milton Bradley Vectrex videogames console » vectrex , Videogames , vintage » Japanese RC Cars